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Customer Booking From Activities

Booking From

Admin can make This customer from and provide any customer they are checkout from this option and get this service.

Step Form

Enabling step form settings configures a 5-step booking form for customers. Admin activation triggers the streamlined process, providing users with a structured, user-friendly experience to facilitate efficient booking.

Step Form Without Step Indicators

Enabling the step form settings configures a 5-step booking form for customers. Admin activation triggers the streamlined process, providing users with a structured, user-friendly experience to facilitate efficient booking.

With this step form configuration, there are no step indicators displayed at the top of the form. This minimalist design ensures a clean and distraction-free interface, allowing users to seamlessly navigate through the booking steps without visual indicators.

The absence of step indicators contributes to a more immersive and straightforward booking experience, making it ideal for users who prefer a simplified interface without additional visual elements.

To enable or customize the step form settings, please refer to the admin panel where you can configure the booking form based on your preferences.

Step Form Without Step Number

Enabling the step form settings configures a streamlined booking form for customers, featuring indicators without displaying step numbers. When admin activation is triggered, users experience a structured, user-friendly interface, enhancing the efficiency of the booking process.

With this configuration, each step of the form is indicated, providing visual cues to users about their progress. However, the step numbers are intentionally omitted for a cleaner aesthetic. This design choice ensures a professional and modern appearance, minimizing visual clutter while maintaining a clear navigation path.

To customize or activate the step form without step numbers, please access the admin panel and adjust the settings according to your preferences.

Basic Form

If the admin will enable the basic form settings that time customer will get that single step booking form.